Bush Prun Plant Cutter
Get the job done with this Murray 42" Riding Mower featuring a Briggs & Stratton 15.5 HP PowerBuilt Engine. It includes OHV (Over- head Valve) technology, offering better fuel economy and a longer engine life.
Via A. Volta 19
Canneto s/o, MN 46013
Lun - Ven. 8.00 - 18.00
Sabato - Domenica Chiuso
L’Azienda Agricola “VIVAI GOI”, opera nel settore vivaistico dall’ inizio degli anni 2000, ma proviene dall’ esperienza maturata nell’ azienda di famiglia, che opera nel settore dagli anni 60’ e coltiva circa 40 ettari in piena terra.
La totalità della superficie, è coltivata in prevalenza con latifoglie e la natura del terreno, d’origine fluviale, con valori del PH vicino al 6.5 permettono di coltivare con buoni risultati tipologie d’alberi, come Acer rubrum, Ginkgo biloba, Liquidambar, Magnolia, Nyssa, Quercus, ecc. in molteplici varietà.
VisualizzaEnvironmental problems result when exotic plants are placed in the landscape that require extensive adaptation of the climate to allow their survival. We greatly reduce this forced adaptation & conserve natural resources.
Read MoreUnlimited Landscaping of America provide complete range of landscaping services all designed to enhance the beauty of your home and property. As a licensed landscaping contractor trained in professional lawn care,.
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TEATRO COMUNALE MAURO PAGANO - Via Mario Corradini 12 | Canneto sull’Oglio (Mn)
COOPERATIVA PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI - Via Caduti Di Nassiryia 331 | Canneto sull’Oglio (Mn)
Snow and Ice removal services can be customized to fit your level of need. We have the equipment to accomandate any residential, or commercial client, while providing te best possible solution in the area.
Get the job done with this Murray 42" Riding Mower featuring a Briggs & Stratton 15.5 HP PowerBuilt Engine. It includes OHV (Over- head Valve) technology, offering better fuel economy and a longer engine life.